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Specialist Anaesthetists

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Dr Bryan Cook


Dr Bryan Cook is a Specialist Anaesthetist who has lived and worked in the Northern Rivers since 2013. 
Dr Cook works both in public and private practice and is a member of 'Northern Rivers Anaesthesia (Clover House).  He has Visiting Medical Officer appointments at St Vincent's Private Hospital and the Northern NSW Local Health District.  He provides anaesthetic services to a range of surgical specialties including Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Vascular, Endoscopy and Eyes.  Dr Cook's special interests include optimising regional anaesthesia to improve acute post operative pain and the use of ultrasound in clinical anaesthesia.

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Dr Werner Folscher

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia


Dr Megan Gray

MB BS (hons), FANZCA

MMed (periop),PGC-US

Dr Gray is Specialist Anaesthetist who has worked in the northern rivers area for over 20 years. Her anaesthetic training occurred mostly at Royal North Shore Hospital Sydney with rotations to the Children's Hospital, Concord Hospital and the UK. She worked as a consultant at RNSH Sydney for 6 years before transferring to the Northern Rivers. Her special interests are day surgery anaesthesia, perioperative care and trauma anaesthesia.


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Dr Matthew Hoskin

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr William Lee

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr Craig McCalman

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia


Dr Rob McCrossin

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr Dougal Miller
Member Australian Society Anaesthetists, Member AMA

Dr Miller has worked as a Specialist Anaesthetist with Northern Rivers Anaesthesia since 2003 and lives with his family in the region. He is an Instructor in Regional Anaesthesia and Neural blockade, and is an accredited Senior Instructor for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons. Dr Miller provides anaesthesia for all types of surgery, and subspecialises in Anaesthesia for Orthopaedic and Vascular surgery. In the past, Dr Miller has spent time working as the Anaesthetist for the Longreach Flying Surgical Service.

Dr Graham O'Connor

BSc (Biomedical Science & Physiology), MBBS, FANZCA

Member Australian Society Anaesthetists

Dr. Graham O’Connor is a Specialist Anaesthetist with appointments at Lismore Base Hospital, St. Vincent’s Private Hospital, John Flynn Private Hospital and Ballina Day Surgery. Dr. O’Connor provides anaesthesia for all surgery types, and has a special interest in ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia and medical education. He runs the ANZCA specialist trainee teaching program at Lismore Base Hospital and is a Specialised Study Unit supervisor in Vascular Anaesthesia. Dr O’Connor lives in the Northern Rivers area with his wife Laura and their three children.


Dr Andrew Peart

Dr Peart currently holds the position of  Conjoint Lecturer in the School of Medicine at the University of Western Sydney. He has worked as a Specialist Anaesthetist with Northern Rivers Anaesthesia for more than 10 years, and is currently Supervisor of Anaesthetic Training at Lismore Base Hospital, and Organiser and Facilitator at the Lismore Anaesthesia Crisis Management Simulator Facility. Previously, Dr Peart has worked as an instructor in Advanced Paediatric LIfe Support.


Dr Timothy Scholz

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr Darcy Hamilton

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia


Associate Professor David M Scott OAM,


Group Captain Royal Australian Air Force

Assoc Prof Scott is currently working in private practice in northern NSW and SE Qld. He received his medical degree in 1985 from the University of Newcastle and obtained his FANZCA in 1992. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is a VMO at Lismore Base Hospital where he has held several posts including supervisor of training, and Chair of the Anaesthesia Department. He is a senior instructor in ATLS, DSTC and CCrISP.

David was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor University of Western Sydney in 2015 and worked as an instructor in anesthesia at Harvard University at the Beth Israel Hospital, Boston and Visiting Professor in Anesthesia, University of California, Davis, Sacramento CA USA.

David was commissioned as an officer in the Royal Australian Air Force in 1990. He has deployed eight times with the ADF, to multiple places including the Middle East. He has served with the US Navy, Air force and Army, and is on the instructor panel at Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences Bethesda USA. He has held many leadership roles within the RAAF

David was Federal President of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2016-18.

In 2021 he was awarded OAM for services to Medicine, in particular Anaesthesia


Dr Neil Stokes
MBBS (Hons) University of NSW 1980
Fellowship Faculty of Anaesthesia Royal College Surgeons 1987
Fellowship ANZCA 1993
Post-Graduate Diploma in Clinical Ultrasound University of Melbourne 2012

Dr Stokes was born in London, attended school in Coffs Harbour, and trained at Prince of Wales and Prince Henry Hospital Group, Sydney. Dr Stokes works as a Specialist Anaesthetist and Intensive Care Specialist at Lismore Base Hospital, St Vincents Hospital, Casino Memorial Hospital, Ballina District Hospital, Maclean District Hospital and Byron Bay District Hospital. Dr Stokes has been the Scholar Tutor to Registrars in Lismore for the College of Anaesthetists since 2013.

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Dr Sam McCormack

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr Sam Jacobsen

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

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Dr Keith Addy

Dr Addy is a specialist anaesthetist working in public and private practice with accreditation at most major hospitals in Northern NSW and The Gold Coast.

Post graduation from the University of Queensland School of Medicine in 2013 Dr Addy pursued some training in intensive care medicine, rural medicine and specialist anaesthetic training through the Queensland Anaesthetic Registrar Training Scheme on the Gold Coast and Lismore. He then completed a fellowship in Thoracic Anaesthesia at the University of Ottawa, Canada, in 2021/22 with an academic focus on same day discharge surgery programs. 

Dr Addy was admitted as a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists in 2022.

His scope of practice extends across a range of adult and paediatric surgical specialties and is specially interested in thoracic surgery, upper GI surgery, same day discharge surgery, regional anaesthesia, teaching and quality improvement.”


Dr Marilise Erasmus

Member Northern Rivers Anaesthesia

Retired Members

Dr Robin Swainston

Dr Penny Hall

Dr Matthew Leach

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